Turn Rate Adalah

Turn Rate Adalah

Dysfunctional Turnover

Dysfunctional Turnover terjadi ketika karyawan yang berkinerja baik mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan. Dikatakan dysfunctional karena hal tersebut dapat mengganggu produktivitas perusahaan.

Kita tahu semua bahwa setiap perusahaan memiliki standarnya sendiri. Namun, ada sebuah value bagi banyak perusahaan: meminimalisir angka karyawan yang resign.

Ketika angka resign karyawan tinggi, perusahaan akan merasakan dampak negatif. Mulai dari produktivitas yang menurun, biaya pelatihan baru yang meningkat, hingga semangat kerja tim berkurang.

Karena itulah, umumnya, perusahaan harus memiliki sejumlah syarat turnover karyawan. Lantas, apa yang harus diperhatikan perusahaan dalam mengelola turnover karyawan? Kurang lebih, inilah syarat turn over:

Ingatlah, setiap karyawan yang bertahan adalah aset berharga yang memastikan kelangsungan bisnis Anda. Jadikan mereka sebagai prioritas, dan Anda akan merasakan dampak positifnya bagi perusahaan.

Turn Rate Setting Abilities[edit]

Set Turn Rate ( T_{Set} ) sets a unit's turn rate to a fixed value for the duration, so it cannot be altered by other effects.

The following abilities sets turn rate to the given value for the duration.

Turn Rate Setting Abilities

Turn Rate: 0.039Duration: 6Sets Clockwerk's turn rate while the ability is active.

Turn Rate: 0.002Max Aim Time: 350Sets Hoodwink's turn rate while the ability is active.

Turn Rate: Expression error: Unexpected * operator.Ray Duration: Sets Phoenix's turn rate while the ability is active.

Turn Rate: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "%".Roll Duration on Attack: 275°Roll Up Duration: 2.25Sets Pangolier's turn rate while the ability is active. Pangolier does not roll during Roll Up, if an attack of a hero lands on him, he rolls for 275° seconds.

Rumus Menghitung Turnover Karyawan

Setelah mengetahui tentang apa itu turnover karyawan, selanjutnya kita bahas bagaimana sih cara menghitungnya. Berikut langkah-langkah yang perlu Anda lakukan:

Agar lebih mudah mengetahui gambarannya, berikut KiriminAja kasih rumus perhitungan turnover karyawan:

Turnover = jumlah karyawan yang keluar x 100 : jumlah rata-rata karyawan pada periode yang sama

Dengan mengetahui rumus turnover karyawan, Anda dapat melakukan evaluasi serta perbaikan kebijakan perusahaan. Sebab, perusahaan dengan turnover tinggi justru membahayakan operasional mendapat profit.

Salah satu cara menghindari turn over karyawan yang tinggi adalah menggunakan sistem terpadu. Salah satu sistem terpadu yang bisa Anda coba dalam bisnis adalah sistem logistik KiriminAja.

Pada zaman digital dan bisnis online seperti sekarang ini, pengiriman barang atau paket menjadi hal yang sangat vital bagi bisnis. Sebab kepuasan pelanggan akan terukur dari sana.

Sedangkan di sisi lain, menggantungkan sistem logistik berjalan sempurna di tangan karyawan adalah mimpi di siang bolong.

Alasannya karena terlalu banyak proses dan jumlah paket yang harus diurus. Karena itulah sistem logistik diperlukan untuk membantu karyawan bisnis Anda menjalankan proses logistik dengan lebih sempurna.

Karena itulah KiriminAja hadir untuk Anda sebagai sistem logistik terpadu. Apa sih KiriminAja itu? KiriminAja adalah aplikasi kirim paket #1 di Indonesia yang dapat menjadi partner bisnis Anda menjalankan operasional terkait jasa ekspedisi.

Dengan menggunakan KiriminAja, Anda dapat menunjukkan ke konsumen bahwa urusan pengiriman berada di tangan yang tepat. Karena KiriminAja memiliki jangkauan luas dan pengalaman mumpuni dalam pengiriman paket.

Anda hanya perlu menjalankan operasional yang singkat, jelas, dan mudah diingat. Sehingga operasional Anda jadi lebih singkat dan Anda bisa fokus ke bisnis utama.

Bagi Anda dan para online seller lainnya, KiriminAja punya banyak manfaat. Anda bisa mendapat harga diskon dan hemat untuk menjaga #CashFlowAman.

Anda juga dapat berbagai jenis fitur untuk memudahkan proses pengiriman. Anda juga mendapatkan berbagai jenis opsi kurir nasional untuk dipilih. Anda juga mendapatkan layanan customer service yang selalu bersedia memecahkan masalah Anda.

Dengan KiriminAja, operasional pengiriman paket jadi lebih mudah, atraktif, dan efektif. Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Yuk, daftarkan bisnis Anda di dashboard KiriminAja sekarang.

Karena kami yakin, turn over adalah aktivitas bisnis yang membutuhkan fokus Anda. Karenanya, biar kami yang handle urusan logistik Anda.

Radius of turn formula

One might also want to calculate the radius r {\displaystyle r} of a Rate 1, 2 or 3 turn at a specific TAS.

r [ n m i ] = v t [ k n ] 20 π ω t u r n [ ∘ / s ] {\displaystyle r[\mathrm {nmi} ]={\frac {v_{\mathrm {t} }[\mathrm {kn} ]}{20\pi \omega _{\mathrm {turn} }[^{\circ }/\mathrm {s} ]}}}

Where ω t u r n {\displaystyle \omega _{\mathrm {turn} }} is the rate of turn.

If the velocity and the angle of bank is given,

r = v t 2 g tan ⁡ ϕ {\displaystyle r\;={\frac {v_{\mathrm {t} }^{2}}{g\tan \phi }}}

where g is the gravitational acceleration. This is a simplified formula that ignores slip and returns zero for 90° of bank.

In metres (where gravity is approximately 9.81 metres per second per second, and velocity is given in metres per second):

r [ m ] = v t 2 9.81   m / s 2 tan ⁡ ϕ {\displaystyle r[\mathrm {m} ]={\frac {v_{\mathrm {t} }^{2}}{9.81\ \mathrm {m/s^{2}} \tan \phi }}}

Or in feet (where velocity is given in knots):

r [ f t ] = ( v t [ k n ] ) 2 11.294 tan ⁡ ϕ {\displaystyle r[\mathrm {ft} ]={\frac {(v_{\mathrm {t} }[\mathrm {kn} ])^{2}}{11.294\tan \phi }}}

Turn rate is the speed at which a unit can turn. When moving to a location, a unit first turns to face that location, then begins walking. Similarly, when targeting another unit with an attack or spell, a unit first turns until it is facing the target, and then continues with the action. A unit only starts moving, or only starts casting a spell on a targeted area or point when the target is within 11.5°[1] angle in front of the ordered unit. This can make kiting more difficult, as the hero has to spend time turning towards and away from the target with each attack.

Every unit has a base turn rate, which can be lowered by some abilities. The vast majority of heroes have a turn rate between 0.6 and 0.5, meaning it takes between 0.15 and 0.19 seconds for the hero to make a 180° turn.

There are currently no talents that improve turn rate.

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Turn rate speed was improved by 20% in

Turn rate is expressed in radians per 0.03 seconds. A 180° turn is the same as π {\displaystyle \pi } (3.1416) radians, therefore 0.03 π {\displaystyle \pi } divided by the turn rate of the unit equals the time it takes to turn 180°.

Turn rate is defined as

With t being the time it takes to turn around and T the turn rate sources.

Turn rate slow directly affects the base turn rate, and all sources of turn rate slow stack multiplicatively.

With TSet being the Set Turn Rate Value, Tb the Base Turn Rate, r the Turn Rate Slow Value and a the Turn Rate Improve Value.

A unit does not immediately start turning at the highest rate it can turn. The turn rate ramps as the unit starts turning, reaching the unit's max turn rate after a certain amount of time. The rate at which the turn rate ramps up is unknown.

If a unit starts turning due to an ability or item cast order (by targeting a point, area or unit which is not within the required 11.5° facing angle), the turning cannot be canceled by a move, attack or a new spell cast order. Because the 11.5° angle can be in either direction, this creates a 23° angle directly in front of the hero allowing instant actions on any target within 23°. For any target beyond this angle, the hero must wait until they turn before the action occurs. The above formula is used to find the maximum time, so the time until the action takes place is actually ≤ 168.5°.

Any command ordered while turning due to a spell cast order gets queued up and executed once the spell is cast. In order to cancel the spell or ability cast, the player must issue a stop or halt command, in the same way how to cancel spell during its cast animation. This is to prevent accidental canceling of casts due to fast clicking. Issuing a stop or halt command (with S) does not stop the unit from turning if it has already started to turn, but stops the order which initiated the turning. For example, this allows Templar Assassin to turn during Meld without canceling the ability, as long as the move command is stopped before the targeted point is within the required angle.

Turn Rate Improving Abilities[]

The following abilities improve the turn rate:

Turn Rate Improving Sources

Abilities Preventing Turning[]

The following abilities completely prevent the affected unit from turning:

Abilities Preventing Turning


Turn rate is the speed at which a unit can turn. When moving to a location, a unit first turns to face that location, then begins walking. Similarly, when targeting another unit with an attack or spell, a unit first turns until it is facing the target, and then continues with the action. A unit only starts moving, or only starts casting a spell on a targeted area or point when the target is within 11.5°[1] angle in front of the ordered unit. This can make kiting more difficult, as the hero has to spend time turning towards and away from the target with each attack.

Every unit has a base turn rate, which can be lowered by some abilities. The vast majority of heroes have a turn rate between 0.6 and 0.5, meaning it takes between 0.15 and 0.19 seconds for the hero to make a 180° turn.

There are currently no talents that improve turn rate.

Turn rate is expressed in radians per 0.03 seconds. A 180° turn is the same as \pi (3.1416) radians, therefore 0.03\pi divided by the turn rate of the unit equals the time it takes to turn 180°.

Turn rate is defined as

t = \frac{0.03\pi}{T}

With t being the time it takes to turn around and T the turn rate sources.

Turn rate slow directly affects the base turn rate, and all sources of turn rate slow stack multiplicatively.

With TSet being the Set Turn Rate Value, Tb the Base Turn Rate, r the Turn Rate Slow Value and a the Turn Rate Improve Value.

A unit does not immediately start turning at the highest rate it can turn. The turn rate ramps as the unit starts turning, reaching the unit's max turn rate after a certain amount of time. The rate at which the turn rate ramps up is unknown.

If a unit starts turning due to an ability or item cast order (by targeting a point, area or unit which is not within the required 11.5° facing angle), the turning cannot be canceled by a move, attack or a new spell cast order. Because the 11.5° angle can be in either direction, this creates a 23° angle directly in front of the hero allowing instant actions on any target within 23°. For any target beyond this angle, the hero must wait until they turn before the action occurs. The above formula is used to find the maximum time, so the time until the action takes place is actually ≤ 168.5°.

Any command ordered while turning due to a spell cast order gets queued up and executed once the spell is cast. In order to cancel the spell or ability cast, the player must issue a stop or halt command, in the same way how to cancel spell during its cast animation. This is to prevent accidental canceling of casts due to fast clicking. Issuing a stop or halt command (with S) does not stop the unit from turning if it has already started to turn, but stops the order which initiated the turning. For example, this allows Templar Assassin to turn during Meld without canceling the ability, as long as the move command is stopped before the targeted point is within the required angle.

T = \times (1 - 0.7) = Expression error: Unexpected * operator.

t = \frac{ 0.03\pi }{ Expression error: Unexpected * operator. } = Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

T = \times (1 - 0.7) \times (1 - 0.5) = Expression error: Unexpected * operator.

t = \frac{ 0.03\pi }{ Expression error: Unexpected * operator. } = Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Turn Rate Setting Abilities[]

Set Turn Rate ( T S e t {\displaystyle T_{Set}} ) sets a unit's turn rate to a fixed value for the duration, so it cannot be altered by other effects.

The following abilities sets turn rate to the given value for the duration.

Turn Rate Setting Abilities

Turn Rate: 0.039Duration: 6Sets Clockwerk's turn rate while the ability is active.

Turn Rate: 0.031Max Aim Time: 5Sets Hoodwink's turn rate while the ability is active.

Turn Rate: 0.013Ray Duration: 5Sets Phoenix's turn rate while the ability is active.

Turn Rate: 0.144Roll Duration on Attack: 50%Roll Up Duration: 0.75Sets Pangolier's turn rate while the ability is active. Pangolier does not roll during Roll Up, if an attack of a hero lands on him, he rolls for 50% seconds.

Angle of bank formula

The formula for calculating the angle of bank for a specific true airspeed (TAS) in SI units (or other coherent system) is:[3]

ϕ = arctan ⁡ v t 2 r g {\displaystyle \phi =\arctan {\frac {v_{\mathrm {t} }^{2}}{rg}}}

where ϕ {\displaystyle \phi } is the angle of bank, v t {\displaystyle v_{\mathrm {t} }} is true airspeed, r {\displaystyle r} is the radius of the turn, and g {\displaystyle g} is the acceleration due to gravity.

For a rate-one turn and velocity in knots (nautical miles per hour, symbol kn), this comes to

ϕ = arctan ⁡ v t [ k n ] 364 {\displaystyle \phi =\arctan {\frac {v_{\mathrm {t} }[\mathrm {kn} ]}{364}}} .

A convenient approximation for the bank angle in degrees is

ϕ / ∘ ≈ v t [ k n ] 10 + 7 {\displaystyle \phi /^{\circ }\approx {\frac {v_{\mathrm {t} }[\mathrm {kn} ]}{10}}+7}

For aircraft holding purposes, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) mandates that all turns should be made, "at a bank angle of 25° or at a rate of 3° per second, whichever requires the lesser bank."[4] By the above formula, a rate-one turn at a TAS greater than 180 knots would require a bank angle of more than 25°. Therefore, faster aircraft just use 25° for their turns.

Definisi Turnover Karyawan

Secara spesifik, mari bahas apa itu turnover karyawan. Sebab, banyak perusahaan yang terhambat mencapai profit karena problem turn over ini.

Turnover karyawan dalam bisnis merujuk pada tingkat perputaran atau pergantian karyawan dalam suatu perusahaan selama periode waktu tertentu.

Dalam hal ini, perhitungan turnover dapat dilakukan setiap bulan atau setiap tahun. Caranya dengan membagi jumlah karyawan yang keluar dari perusahaan dengan jumlah total karyawan di awal periode.

Hasil perhitungan tersebut dapat menjadi indikasi tentang pengelolaan tenaga kerja dan tingkat kepuasan karyawan terhadap lingkungan kerja dan manajemen perusahaan. Pelajari juga jenis-jenis tenag kerja di sini.

Semakin besar angka turnover, maka dapat menandakan bahwa perusahaan memiliki masalah dalam mempertahankan karyawan atau mengelola mereka.

Sedangkan angka turnover yang kecil menandakan karyawan merasa nyaman dan puas bekerja di perusahaan Anda.

Di samping itu, tingkat turnover karyawan juga dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas dan kinerja perusahaan.

Turnover yang tinggi dapat menghasilkan biaya tambahan untuk merekrut dan melatih karyawan baru. Sedangkan turnover yang rendah dapat menghasilkan stabilitas tenaga kerja dan peningkatan produktivitas.

Oleh karena itu, akan lebih baik jika Anda berupaya meminimalkan tingkat turnover karyawan dengan mengantisipasi berbagai penyebabnya.

Penyebab turnover sendiri bisa karena berbagai hal, seperti masalah finansial perusahaan, lingkungan pekerjaan yang tidak sehat, dan faktor lainnya.

Dalam hal ini, biasanya karyawan yang mengundurkan diri melihat peluang yang lebih baik di perusahaan lain.

Voluntary turnover adalah ketika karyawan memutuskan keluar dari suatu perusahaan secara sukarela. Alasannya bisa beragam, seperti pindah kota, kecelakan, atau mendapat pekerjaan lain.

Functional turnover terjadi ketika karyawan diberhentikan karena tidak memenuhi standar kerja di perusahaan tersebut. Tindakan ini sangat masuk akal ketika karyawan tersebut tidak mampu memenuhi ekspektasi perusahaan.

Involuntary turnover adalah pergantian karyawan atas kehendak perusahaan karena faktor tertentu, seperti pemutusan hubungan kerja demi mencapai efisiensi produksi.

Turn Rate Slowing Abilities[edit]

The following abilities slows turn rate:

Turn Rate Slowing Abilities